PhD program
The PhD programme in Bioengineering is hosted by the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) and by the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”. It is part of the Polimi’s PhD school.
Study periods spent at international laboratory or research centres are considered a unique opportunity for the training of a PhD student.
The mission of the Doctoral (PhD) programme in Bioengineering is to provide a strong interdisciplinary education both from a theoretical and practical point of view by deepening mathematical, medical and biological aspects in order to learn how to tackle different problems in the area of the life sciences
The advanced courses offered to the PhD students are taught by professors of Politecnico di Milano or by professors from other international institutions. The PhD programme takes three years and, after the completion of the training courses, the PhD title is gained by passing the final exam which consists in the PhD Thesis defence.
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